Ayurveda & Yoga: Curriculum – pulse assessment

Maharishi AyurVeda Self-Pulse Assessment: 3.5 hours –

1. Review from Ayurveda Personal Wellness Course – Ayurveda Self-Pulse for Healing

This lesson reviews the mechanics of Ayurveda Self-Pulse Assessment and the effects it has on enhancing the mind-body connection and enlivening the inner intelligence of the body.

2. Vedic Sound, Daily Pulse Taking, Self-Pulse Documentation

  • Describes the rationale for listening to Gandharva Veda music and Sama Veda recitation during pulse taking.
  • Explains the value of taking the pulse several times a day for learning and healing.
  • Introduces the forms to log pulse experiences in during the course.

3. Qualities of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the Pulse

  • This lesson describes the shape of the impulses created by Vata, Pitta and Kapha under our fingers as we take the pulse.
  • This knowledge is the start in being able to determine the state of balance and imbalance in Vata, Pitta and Kapha through Ayurvedic Self-Pulse assessment.

4. Feeling the Qualities of Vata in the Pulse

This lesson describes in greater detail the shape of the balanced and imbalanced impulses of Vata felt under the fingers during pulse assessment.

5. Feeling the Qualities of Pitta in the Pulse

This lesson describes in greater detail the shape of the balanced and imbalanced impulses of Pitta felt under the fingers during pulse assessment.

6. Feeling the Qualities of Kapha in the Pulse

This lesson describes in greater detail the shape of the balanced and imbalanced impulses of Kapha felt under the fingers during pulse assessment.

7. Location of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the Pulse

  • This lesson reveals the specific locations on the wrist where the impulse of Vata, Pitta and Kapha are best felt.
  • This lesson reveals where on the wrist to place each of the three fingers used to perform pulse assessment.
  • Each finger is placed so as to be able to best feel one of the three doshas.

8. Feeling Ojas in the Pulse

  • The state of Ojas is determined by the strength of the overall balance, resistance and immunity in the body.
  • Learning how to determine the state of Ojas lets you moniter the positive effect of your Ayurveda Personal Wellness program.

9. How to Feel Ama in the Pulse

  • Ama is the composed of the blockages, obstructions in the chanels of circulation and buildup of toxicity in the system
  • Using Ayurveda pulse assessment to determine the status of ama helps monitor the progress of your Personal Wellness Program and show if ama reducing techniques need to be used in greater measure.

10. Qualities of a Balanced Pulse

This lesson reveals the shape of the impulse under the Vata, Pitta and Kapha fingers when the corresponding dosha is balanced or imbalanced.

11. Imbalance in the Pulse: Part 1 – Amplitude; Increase or Decrease of a Dosha

Imbalance of Amplitude – the strength and height of the impulse – is the first type of dosha imbalance that can be felt under the fingers

12 .Imbalance in the Pulse: Part 2 – Doshas Moving Out of Their Home

Imbalance of Location – impulses of one dosha moving to appear under another doshas fingers is the second type of pulse imbalance that can be felt under the fingers

13. Effect of Vata Moving Out of its Own Place

This lesson describes the impulses we feel and the physiological effect that occurs when the Vata dosha impulse is found under the Pitta or Kapha fingers

14. Effect of Pitta Moving Out of its Own Place

This lesson describes the impulses we feel and the physiological effect that occurs when the Pitta dosha impulse is found under the Vata or Kapha fingers

15. Effect of Kapha Moving Out of its Own Place

This lesson describes the impulses we feel and the physiological effect that occurs when the Kapha dosha impulse is found under the Pitta or Vata fingers

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